"Education is the most power weapon to change the world."

Nelson Mandela
Our organization is founded not for our own commercial interests, but for our aspiration to contribute great and permanent value towards humanity. We strongly believe in the mission of Education, which we perceive as the most impactful approach to a change for the better.

"Our mission is to make the world a better place through Education."

about fanken


The meanings

The name and the logo of FANKEN convey our dream, culture, and philosophy of business.
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Core values

Our value systems, a solid basis of our intentional activities, are built from different DNAs bearing one shared name - Heart or Xin (⼼)

HEART in what we do

With a heart in what we do, we are eager to be devoted, to be responsible, and to be passionate.
Do what we love
HEART in who we are
With a heart in who we are, we treat people kindly without discrimination; we handle our products with pride and innovation; we refer to our company with respect and responsibility.
Love what we do
HEART in what we share
With a heart in what we share, we are committed to be responsible and understanding; we are willing to give and offer help; we are ambitious to do great things in life.
Share what we have

Corporate culture

A place for talents

Career opportunities:

Join us and Let’s make the future together!

FANKEN welcome you, who share our culture, core values, and vision of helping build a better future for humanity.
Join us now